Forestry in Finland
Forestry in Finland is strictly regulated and guided by the national laws, forest certification schemes and forestry recommendations. The first Forest Act in Finland entered into force in 1886 and already back then the Act prohibited the disposal of forests. This means that in Finland there is an obligation of the forest owners to regenerate the forests after cutting. On average 4 – 5 new trees are planted for each felled tree. Keitele Group does offer forest regenerating services for the forest owners.
Key terms
Carbon footprint – carbon dioxide emissions caused by human activity, often also other significant greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane, are taken into account
Carbon handprint – a beneficial impact on climate created by using a product, process or service
Carbon sink – any action, process or mechanism that binds carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, carbon sinks increase the size of the carbon storage
Carbon storage – a form of carbon that instead of being released in the atmosphere is bound for example in a tree or some other type of biomass
Carbon neutrality – a balance between carbon emissions and absorbing carbon from the atmosphere